Friday 8 August 2014

Cue Entropy

I once attempted to write a blog like this before. I wrote a grand total of two posts in as many years, then promptly forgot and abandoned it. With luck, this one will have more success.

What's this blog about, you may ask? Everything -- and yet, nothing. You see, I have a tendency to keep journals, or notebooks, if you will, where I put all the random ideas I come up with. Unfortunately, said journals have a finite number of pages. Therefore, reasoning that the Internet has pretty much infinite pages, I've decided to use this blog as my journal.

Well, so much for the introduction. I don't want writer's block to catch me off guard again, so I want to start working on the rest of this blog ASAP, so adios, au revoir and asta la vista. Wait, there's an "h" there, isn't there?